Saturday, March 1, 2014


It's March already?!!? Where has the time GONE??
 I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's currently.

Listening: I'm having a lazy Saturday and catching up on some laundry and chores while I relax.

Loving: Spring Break...enough said. My kinders have been bonkers these last few weeks, so the break is definitely needed and appreciated.

Thinking: Every year before Spring Break, our Kindergarten grade level goes on their field trip. This year is no exception, but I have SO much left to do.

Wanting: I would like to take a quick road trip over spring break to relax a little. Nothing fancy, just some good ole' fashion fun.

Needing: My new years resolution was to work out and start eating healthier. Well, I started off really well, but I've since slacked. I'm trying to get it right, get it tight for summer vacation!

????????: Can you guess what my secret question is?

Have fun linking up and don't forget the rule of 3!
Happy Blogging!


  1. I just realized my Spring Break is next week too! How did I miss that one! I thought it was the week after! My week just got a whole lot easier!

    Have fun on your field trip! A field trip with kinders is so much fun but so exhausting!


  2. I'm with you on needing to eat healthier. I have been good about walking every day. I wish both of us success in this.

  3. So happy for you, sad for me, our spring break isn't until the 3rd week of April :/
    I'm guessing, things that make you happy :) Good luck to you, healthy choices are difficult (yeah, just finished a madeleine cookie :)
    First Grade Dual
